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:: General Guidelines1) FINAL MANUSCRIPT SUBSMISSION THE DATA to send by Email:1) A PDF file of the finished manuscript, 2) MS Word or inDesign file of the finished manuscript. These two files are essential for editing and producing the symposium proceedings. Please ensure that your final manuscript is edited according to the submissions guidelines. Before sending, carefully confirm that the contents (fonts, figures, tables, etc.) of the final PDF are not corrupted in any way and they fully comply with the submission guidelines. The proceedings book will be printed in black and white, therefore make sure that all figures and graphs, et cetera are edited for clarity accordingly. SEND YOUR MANUSCRIPTS TO: Professor, Akira Ohgai,
2) Only the papers that have passed the Abstract review process, the Full Paper review process and are presented during the Symposium will be included in the conference proceedings. :: Abstracts (Check deadline)Authors are invited to send abstracts (200 words) by mail to the above contact address. The abstracts should contain a title, a short description of the proposal paper topic, sources of data, methods, and a discussion of the implications of the research for urban planning and urban management.They should also contain five keywords to identify the area of research. Abstracts should be accompanied by the Name, Affiliation, Mailing Address, Telephone number, and E-mail address for each author.
:: Full Papers (Check deadline)
(Please click here!) Type Area and Layout: The manuscript should be typed on A4-size (210 x 297mm) paper. Leave 25-mm margins on top and bottom, and 20-mm margins on left and right. Print the text in two columns, each measuring 82 mm across, with a blank space 6 mm wide in between. Insert and layout figures, tables, and their captions in the text. Typescript: The manuscript must be typed in English, using Times Roman of 9-point font size. Adjust line spacing to accommodate 59 lines from top to bottom of the type area. Number all pages starting with the title page. If special characters or accents could not be typed, they may be substituted by alternative key/characters. Length: Submission must meet strict length limitations. Full paper manuscript must not exceed 6 pages, including spaces, figures, tables, and references. Title page: The first page of the manuscript must contain the paper title, author full name(s), position(s), and affiliation(s), and contact author's name, position, affiliation, address, phone & fax number, and email address. The paper title should be not more than 200 characters long including spaces. Template file: Authors are encouraged to use the AURG 2014 manuscript template for manuscript preparation. (Preferred format is MSWord. Please do not use other formats such as PageMaker and InDesign.) Abstract and keywords: An abstract and keywords should be included on the title page. The abstract must not exceed 200 words and must précis the paper giving clear conclusions. Keywords of up to five words must be carefully selected to facilitate readers' search. Major Sections and Headings: The paper should involve the following major sections: Example: References: The Harvard System is used. References in the text should be quoted in the following manner: Smith (1975) or (Brown and Green, 1976) or if there are more than two authors, Jones et al. (1980). References should be listed at the end of the paper in alphabetical order by the first author's surname. If references to the same author have the same year, they should be differentiated by using 1980a and 1980b etc. The style should follow the examples below.
Mathematics: Number the equations consecutively, e.g., (1), (2) and (3). Make sure that subscripts and superscripts are legible. Tables: Insert tables in the text and arrange them across one (82 mm) or two (170 mm) columns of the page. Number the tables consecutively with Arabic numerals, e.g., Table 1. and Table 2.. Make sure the typeface in the tables is still legible after reducing the table to the final size. Figures (line art and photographs): Insert figures in the text and arrange them across one (82 mm) or two (170 mm) columns of the page. Number the figures consecutively with Arabic numerals, e.g., Fig. 1. and Fig. 2.. Original figures should be included in the final submission. Make sure the typeface in the figure is still legible after reducing the figure to the final size.
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