:: About AURG
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:: AURG purpose
The purpose of the research group is to contribute some appropriate suggetions for Asian provincial city planning. Especially, in Asian developing countries, a variety of problems concerned with urban and industrial development and urban environment have emerged from the centralization to capitals in both population and industry.
In Korea and Japan, on the other hand, provincial industrial cities have acquired some know-how or techniques of planning to resolve and overcome the problems. We believe that such experience and acquired techniques are available to Asian developing countries although they may be not enough.
From this background, we have done on several research projects on city and environmental planning from 1989, which are supported by grants from the Ministry of Education of Japan and the Kajima Foundation's Research Grant.
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:: Past AURG projects
The followings are main projects which have been executed by the research group.
- 1989 - 1990
"Comparative Study of Urban Area Resuscitation Policy in Regional Planning between Korea and Japan"
1. General report on the characteristics of current projects for resuscitation in Korean and Japanese provincial cities.
2. Spatial interaction of development projects and urban structures.
3. Urban renewal procedure and industrial location.
4. Transition of resuscitation policy from a viewpoint of zoning systems in both countries.
5. Transitions of shopping center location and population distribution and resuscitation policy for commercial district.
6. Analysis of the citizen's evaluation of resuscitation policy for Korean provincial cities.
7. Comparative analysis of urban area and land use control system between in both provincial cities.
8. Comparative study on urban growth and planning of provincial industrial cities; case of Ulsan and Kitakyushu.
9. Urban planning system and resuscitation; comparative analysis between Mokpo and Yatsushiro cities.
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- 1991 - 1992
"Comparative Study of Urban Planning on Restructuring in Industrial Provincial Cities between Korea and Japan"
1. Development of industrial cities and the role of urban planning
2. Comparative analysis of spreading of urban area and land-use control system
3. Relation of urban development and industrial land development
4. Spatial distribution of population in Ulsan and Oita
5. Comparative study of public facilities servicing
6. Comparative analysis of the road network form using node distance distribution
by Tetsushi Toi (Associate Prof., Dept. of Civil Engineering, Kyushu Univ.)
7. Land development of industrial park and urban growth
8. Spatial structure of blocks in built-up area of Mokpo
9. Review of recent land use studies in both countries
10. Comparison of zoning system between Korea and Japan and Chanese city planning system
11. Comparison of prime indicators between Dalian, Inchon and Kitakyushu cities
by Nobuyuki Hashimoto (Kitakyushu Urban Research Institute)
12. Urban growth and industrial location in Ujungpandang, Indonesia
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- 1995 - 1997
"An Integrated Expert System for Supporting Industrial Development Planning with Environmental Management; Application to Developing Countries"
- Background and purpose:
In developing countries, the promotion of industrial cities is emphasized as an important urban policy to aid their economic growths as well as receive the population decentralization from capitals. So far Japanese and Korean industrial cities have supported the high economic growth in each country. Meanwhile, these cities have gained the technology and experience to overcome various and difficult pollution problems which had occurred in compensation for rapid industrialization and urbanization. In short, they have successful know-how for industrial development with the kindness to environment. Moreover, computer-based planning support systems which are linked with geographical information systems or expert systems are particularly attracting a great deal of attention in developing countries that are short of decision-makers or planners for developing plans.
From this, the purpose of the project is to develop an integrated planning support expert system for indusrial development and to try to apply it to developing countries.
- Contents:
For the purpose described above, we are going on the development of an integrated expert system which consists of the following sub-systems:
1) a land-use planning support system;
2) an industrial site selection support system;
3) an environmental management planning support system;
4) a traffic networking support system;
5) anti-pollution measures support system.
1) S. Hagishima A. Yudono, A. Deguchi, T. Sakai, S. Ikaruga, T Moon and K. Oshima: Comparison between Japan and Korea Concerning Development of Industrial Provincial Cities and City Planning; Proc. 4th Asian Urbanization Conference, 1996.
2) A. Ohgai, S. Hagishima and K. Oshima: Development of an Expert System for Supporting Land-use Planning; Proc. Int. Symposium on City Planning, 1994, Fukuoka & Kitakyushu, Japan, pp.187-198.
3) K. Oshima, A. Yudono, S. Kurose, A. Deguchi, T. Sakai and S. Hagishima: Relationship between Urban Development and Factory Locations in Ujung Pandang City, Indonesia; Proc. Int. Symposium on City Planning, 1994, Fukuoka & Kitakyushu, Japan, pp.311-321.
4) K. Oshima, S. Hagishima H. Vindenes, A. Yudono and B. Tokitsu: Development of an Expert System to Support Land-use Planning in Developing Countries; Proc. 3rd Int. Conf. on Computers in Urban Planning and Urban Management, Vol.2, 1993.
5) S. Hagishima, T. Harada, H. Yoo, et al.: A Study on the Expert System apllying to Developing Countries; Summaries of Technical Papers of Annual Meeting, Architectural Institute of Japan, 1996, pp.243-246. [in Japanese]
6) K. Watanabe, A. Ohgai, et al.: An Arrangement of Existing Environmental Management Plan toward Building the Sub-system; Summaries of Technical Papers of Annual Meeting, Architectural Institute of Japan, 1996, pp.247-248. [in Japanese]
7) H. Kanouya, A. Ohgai, et al.: Modeling and Arrangement of Knowledge Bases toward Building the Sub-system; Summaries of Technical Papers of Annual Meeting, Architectural Institute of Japan, 1996, pp.249-250. [in Japanese]
8) K. Oshima, S. Kurose, et al.: Development of Road Section Planning Support System in Developing Countries; Summaries of Technical Papers of Annual Meeting, Architectural Institute of Japan, 1996, pp.251-252. [in Japanese]
9) Y. Kobayashi, S. Sato, et al.: Development of a Land-Use Planning Support System by Reasoning of a Mesh Unit that Considered an Environment Factor; Summaries of Technical Papers of Annual Meeting, Architectural Institute of Japan, 1996, pp.253-254. [in Japanese]
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- 2000-2003
" Comparative Study on Living Environmental System of Compact City between Korea and Japan"
- Background and purpose:
Trends on Korean and Japanese city planning under the present economic crisis and environment problems are as follows; 1) mitigation of the zoning system of city planning laws; 2) change of from uniform land use to various land use; 3) design of the city plan with citizen participation; 4) arrangement of the townscape and living environment; 5) change from the mass consumption to circulated use of resources for considered environment.
We carried out comparative studies on urban density and form between Japan and Korea, supported by Monbusho International Joint Research Program, from 1990 to 1998. Based on results of this analysis, we cleared a fact that Korean cities are with compact high density and Japanese cities are with a sprawled low density, for the motorization policies in both countries are different. Recently, however, concepts for urban structure in Korea are changing from uniform high density to various density built-up areas, while the concepts of Japan are changing from sprawled low density to compact built-up area spaces.
The purpose of this joint research project is to propose an urban structure, a living environmental system, and a revised city planning law for the Compact City including various structures by comparative analysis between Korea and Japan, based on following sub-themes;
1) Mixed land use analysis, 2) Community facility distribution and amenity environment analyses, 3) Transportation and road network analysis, 4) Landscape simulation analysis, 5) Evaluation by citizen in high or low density area built-up areas from viewpoint to environmental psychology, 6) City planning law analysis, and 7) Integration of above six sub-themes analyses.
Each sub-theme is shared by partnership of Korean and Japanese researchers, through visiting countries, holding joint research meetings, surveying the commercial and housing areas, and gathering information questionnaires, in Fukuoka and Kitakyushu, Seoul and Inchon, which are Japanese and Korean government ordinance-designated cities, respectively.
- (1)First Period: Statistical data, questionnaires, and other data are collected from viewpoints of six sub-themes as follows:
1) Land uses analysis: Whether urban land use is mix or pure, and housing type is various or uniform, are investigated. 2) Amenity environment analysis: Living environmental facilities, such as community-related facilities and park, etc. are investigated. 3) Transportation analysis: Urban structures of high density and low density are clarified from a viewpoint of transportation planning . 4) Landscape analysis: High density and low density area landscapes are investigated by three-dimensional computer graphics simulation. 5) Environmental psychology: whether a citizen-consciousness in proportion of urban density changes or not are investigated. 6) City planning law analysis: City planning laws on the green belt area of Korea and the built-up adjusted area of Japan are investigated and compared.
- (2)Second Period: Three themes are investigated as follows:
1) Urban Structure analysis: An urban structure of compact city by analyses of the relationship between land uses and transportation networks are proposed. 2) Living environment analysis: Living environmental system of Compact City by analyses of Amenity Environment, Landscape, and citizen-consciousness are proposed. 3) City planning law analyses: City planning law system of compact city are proposed.
An urban structure and a living environmental system of Compact City are proposed by integrating above analyses. A symposium on the results of first and second periods will be held in Korea. Final report will be published.
As the results of this project, we will propose an urban structure of Compact City including various-ness structure and the supporting system. This Compact City for decrease of the energy consumption is useful suggestion for the earth environmental problems which become wider and deeper. It is expected that the urban structure of Compact City offer a guideline for local self-government city planning and Local Agenda.
Attempts to amend to city planning laws by the influence of recent Asian economic crisis are in progress in both countries and are a mitigation of built-up area control of laws. However, as above mentioned, the city planning which takes the position considering the earth environment problems will be needed.
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:: Past AURG Symposia Editions
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:: Board of Directors
Satoshi Hagishima, Dr.
Head of the group, Professor Emeritus,City Planning Laboratory, Department of Architecture, Kyushu University. His current research interests include urban landscape analysis and land use planning.
Email: hagitar@yk9.so-net.ne.jp
Seiji Sato, Dr.
Professor, City Planning Laboratory, Department of Architectural Engineering, Oita University. His current research focuses on urban landscape simulation using computer technology.
Email: satosei@cc.oita-u.ac.jp
Tatsuyuki Sugahara, Dr.
Professor of Department of Environmental Design, Hiroshima Institute of Technology. His current research focuses on environmental planning and land use control system.
Email: sugahara@cc.it-hiroshima.ac.jp
Shigeyuki Kurose, Dr.
Professor at Department of Architecture, Fukuoka University. His current research interests include mainly transportation planning, especially pedestrian networking planning.
E-mail: kurose@cis.fukuoka-u.ac.jp
Akira Ohgai, Dr.
Professor of Urban and Regional Planning Laboratory, Department of Architecture and Civil Engineering, Toyohashi University of Technology. His current research focuses on land use control systems in provincial cities and computer-based planning support systems.
E-mail: aohgai@ace.tut.ac.jp
Atsushi Deguchi, Dr.
Professor, Department of Architecture and Urban Design,Faculty of Human-Environment Studies, Kyushu University.
E-mail: deguchi@arch.kyushu-u.ac.jp
Shi-Chen Zhao, Dr.
Associate Professor, Department of Architecture and Urban Design,Faculty of Human-Environment Studies, Kyushu University.
E-mail: zhao@arch.kyushu-u.ac.jp
Shinji Ikaruga, Dr.
Professor, Department of KANSEI Design and Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Yamaguchi University.
E-mail: ikaruga@yamaguchi-u.ac.jp
Keichiro Hitaka, Dr.
He is Lecturer at Department of Architecture, Faculty of Engineering, Kyushu Sangyou University.
E-mail: hitaka@ip.kyusan-u.ac.jp
Tokiko Ito, ME
Senior Researcher, Kitakyushu Urban Association.
Akira Uchida, Dr.
Researcher of Kitakyushu Urban Association.
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Nam-Gak Kim, Dr.
Professor, Department of Architecture, College of Engineering, Kwangwon National University.
Dong-Bae Lee, Dr.
Professor, Department of Architecture, Inha University.
E-mail: fdblee@dragon.inha.ac.kr
Jong Chul Park, Dr.
Professor, Department of Regional Development, College of Social Science, Mokpo National University.
E-mail: jcpark@chungkye.mokpo.ac.kr
Yong Ha Kim, Dr.
Chief Researcher, Urban Planning Commission of Inchon City.
Ik Hwan Kim, Dr.
Professor of Department of Architectural Engineering, Kunho National University.
Tae Heon Moon, Dr.
Associate Professor, Department of Urban Engineering, BK21 Plus, Gyeongsang National University. His current research interests are urban analysis and land use planning.
E-mail: thmoon@nongae.gsnu.ac.kr
Heon Seok Yoo, Dr.
Associate Fellow of EIA division, Korea Environment Institute.
E-mail: hsyoo@keins.kei.re.kr
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Ananto Yudono, Dr.
Professor, Department of Architecture, Faculty of Engineering, Hasanuddin University.
E-mail: yudono@indosat.net.id
Yulianto Sumalyo, Dr.
Lecturer, Department of Architecture, Faculty of Engineering, Hasanuddin University.
Tai-Chee Wong, Dr.
He is Associate Professor of Department of Humanities & Social Studies Education, National Institute of Education.
E-mail: tcwong@nie.edu.sg
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Kazuki Karashima(Dr. Eng.)
Associate Professor, Department of Architecture, Maebashi Institute of Technology.
Email: k-karashima@maebashi-it.ac.jp
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