

:: General Guidelines

submissions to be made by Email in pdf format to:

Professor, Akira Ohgai,
Department of Architecture and Civil Engineering,
Toyohashi University of Technology



After careful revision of your manuscript based on reviewers comments, save a copy of the data listed below in a CD. Send the CD including one hard copy of the manuscript by express mail to the International Program Committee of AURG by January 31, 2012.
THE DATA to be included in the CD:
1) A PDF file of the finished manuscript,
2) MS Word or inDesign file of the finished manuscript.
These two files are essential for editing and producing the symposium proceedings. Please ensure that your final manuscript is edited according to the submissions guidelines shown on the link below. Before sending,
carefully confirm that the contents (fonts, figures, tables, etc.) of the final PDF are not corrupted in any way and they fully comply with the submission guidelines.

Professor Akira Ohgai,
Department of Architecture and Civil Engineering,
Toyohashi University of Technology
1-1 Hibarigaoka, Tempaku-cho, Toyohashi, 441-8580, JAPAN
E-mail: info@aurghp.com


3) Only the papers that have passed the Abstract review process, the Full Paper review process and are presented during the Symposium will be included in the conference proceedings.

:: Abstracts (Check deadline)

Authors are invited to send abstracts (200 words) by mail to the above contact address. The abstracts should contain a title, a short description of the proposal paper topic, sources of data, methods, and a discussion of the implications of the research for urban planning and urban management.They should also contain five keywords to identify the area of research. Abstracts should be accompanied by the Name, Affiliation, Mailing Address, Telephone number, and E-mail address for each author.


:: Full Papers (Check deadline)


1. The Format of the Paper
- A4 size white typing sheets must be used by typing or pasting the manuscript on one side
- Upper and lower margins of 3.0cm right and left margins of 2.0cm
- Times (or Times New Roman) font of 11 or 12 point
- 13 point pitch and single spacing (about 51 lines) - Maximum length of 15 pages including figures, tables and references: Papers longer than 15 pages will be rejected
- The serial page number must be written in blue pencil at bottom right-side of each page
- The proceedings book will be printed in black and white (B&W), therefore all figures and graphs, et cetera shoudl be edited  accordingly for legibility in B&W

2. The Structure of the paper
Information appearing on the first page should be as follows: two blank lines; the title (centered, capital letters, bold, and no more than two lines); two blank lines; authors' name centered (superscript numerals after each name will refer to affiliation(s)); two blank lines; affiliations; abstract (should start on the 17th line and be maximum 150 words); two blank lines; the main text. The subsequent pages will start from first line of the page.
The body of the paper can have sections and subsections which are to be numbered using maximum two digits (for example, 1. INTRODUCTION, 2.1 Model Structure). The section and subsection headings must be bold typeface. All the headings and the first paragraphs should start at the left hand margin (that is, no indentation is required). New paragraphs, except the first paragraph in each section and subsection should start like as this, using an indentation of approximately 7 letters from left hand margin.
The general order of the materials in the paper shall be as follows:
- Title, authors' name and affiliations
- Abstract (no more than 150 words)
- The main body of the text, tables and figures (the tables and figures are to appear immediately after they are referred in the text)
- Acknowledgement, if any
- References
- Appendices, if required

3. Tables and Figures
Tables must be numbered sequentially and have a reasonably explanatory title centered above the table. Figures must be drawn in ink or using good quality graphic software; they must be numbered sequentially and have a reasonably informative title centered under the figure.

4. References
References should be places at the end of the article and formatted as in the example below. Citations should indicate the sequential reference number, enclosed by square brackets (e.g. [1]).
[1] FAMILYNAME, Initial.: Title, Publication Title, Publisher's Name. Vol., No., First Page -Last Page, Year.
[2] KIM,S. and HAGISHIMA, S: Comparison Analysis of Spreading of Urban Area and Land-use Control System between Korean and Japanese Provincial Cities, Papers on City Planning of CPIJ, No. 27, 85 - 90, 1992.
[3] LYNCH, K. and HACK, G: Site Planning, The MIT Press, 1984
[4] SATANE N., UCHIDA A., DEGUCHI, A., OHGAI, A., SATO, S. and HAGISHIMA, S.: Commercial Facility Location Model using Multiple Regression Analysis, Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, Vol. 22, No. 3, 219 - 240, 1998.
[5] OHGAI, A., WATANABE, K., and HITAKA, K: An Environmental Management Support Expert System for Industrial Development Planning Using Landsat TM Data, Proc. 5th Int. Conf. Computers in Urban Planning and Urban Management, Bombay, INDIA, 620 -631, 1997

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